Tool to Explain: What is a First-Cousin Once Removed? & Who is My 2nd Cousin?

Do you ever get mixed-up when you assess how you are related to your various generation level ancestors? Or when assessing results of DNA percentages for relationship to cousins, or various possible match cousins listed at Ancestry DNA, Family Search DNA results? Your not alone many of us can still be confused when explaining cousin-level relations.

Here is a link to an article that you can use from that helps to explain 1st cousin once removed and many other relation levels for Self. I find it useful.

Hope it helps: Article Understanding Cousin Levels to aid Research

Tool to Explain: What is a First-Cousin Once Removed? & Who is My 2nd Cousin?

One thought on “Tool to Explain: What is a First-Cousin Once Removed? & Who is My 2nd Cousin?

  1. John N. Englesby says:

    Thanks again, Bob, for another helpful hint! I’m passing this along to my wife and some others who I think will find this info useful…


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